
Three Key Reasons to Supplement With Progesterone


Hey, what's up, everybody? Hope you are having an amazing week and amazing day.

So a question for you. Are you in your mid-30s, 40s, and above, and have you maybe been experiencing some really annoying like bloating, swelling? Maybe you've started to notice some hair loss, headaches, decreased sex drive. So let's talk about one of the reasons that you may be experiencing this.

So hello, my name is Tanya Zucco. I am a board-certified physician assistant, Functional Medicine Practitioner, and hormone expert. My passion is helping women 40 Plus master their hormones and optimize their health so they can look, feel and perform their absolute best.

So back to those annoying symptoms. Okay. Oftentimes we connect symptoms with more known conditions like hypothyroid or maybe testosterone deficiency. But today, I'd like to talk a little bit about progesterone supplementation. Okay. And why sometimes that's actually to answer, the answer to some of those symptoms that I had just mentioned.

So I'm going to cover the three key reasons to supplement with progesterone. Okay?

So number one, progesterone helps to combat the symptoms of PMS. And the symptoms of estrogen dominance, okay, which are the ones I just mentioned, are bloating, swelling, headaches, hair loss, lack of sex drive, or decreased libido. All right. And the reason we experience these estrogen dominance symptoms around age 30 Plus is because around age 30 is the time where progesterone plummets. That's one of the first things that happens, okay. So we get these estrogen dominance symptoms, which are very unpleasant and debilitating for a lot of people's lives. Okay. So by supplementing with progesterone, we can actually help balance out those symptoms.

The second benefit of progesterone is that it can really help with memory, with mood, with cognition, okay. And the reason is because progesterone is actually a neuropeptide. And it really helps to balance out a lot of those different symptoms that we often see start to occur around that age. Okay?

The third benefit of progesterone is absolutely very important. And that is that it helps with sleep, with mood, with libido, and sex drive. Again, similarly to balancing out those initial symptoms with estrogen dominance, it also helps just at baseline to help those symptoms. And, you know, there's many reasons, particularly those key reasons to start to supplement with progesterone, even before menopause. And then, even again, after menopause, even or whether you have or haven't had a hysterectomy, you're gonna see benefits.

So hopefully, this is helpful and interesting to you all because I know there's so many of you that come to me with those symptoms. And so, if you haven't had your hormones checked recently or ever, it might be the time to do so. So again, thanks again for tuning in. If you think this would be helpful for someone, please do share it. And again, if you have any questions, feel free to reach out, DM me, and I'd be happy to answer those for you. All right, crew, have an amazing rest of the day, the evening, wherever you are, and I'll catch you on the flip side.

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