
Why can't you lose the last 15 pounds and what you can do about it


Hey guys, it's Tanya Zucco. It's been a hot minute, it's good to be back here with you guys.

So question, do you feel like you live an active lifestyle, you're doing all the things, and yet you still can't seem to shake those last 15 pounds? Maybe you've always been the type of person who didn't even have to think about what they ate, or did. And you're always in pretty good shape. Yet now, that's not the case.

Well, as we age, our hormones do get disrupted and they decline. And the biggest sign that an underlying hormone imbalance is the cause for your resistant weight loss, is when you've been eating clean, you're exercising, doing all the things but you're not seeing the results you'd expect.
 So other signs that hormones could be the culprit are maybe holding on to weight in areas like your abdomen, upper thighs, sleep disturbances, brain fog, lots of injuries. 

So what should you do if you think that's the case? Well, sleep resistance training, carb cycling, intermittent fasting, those things definitely have evidence to support the fact that they help with hormone levels. But the other thing too, is you want to make sure that you're eating the right foods for you. Meaning do you have any particular sensitivities, right? Many women are not actually eating enough. And this can certainly negatively impact your long term weight loss efforts. 

The final thing that is super important, especially if you're trying to lose those last 15 pounds, and you're suspicious of some sort of hormone imbalance is specialized functional lab testing, it's imperative to add that layer of personalization to your weight loss and health plan. 

So if this resonates with you, if you're over 40, you're trying to lose those last 15, you live an active lifestyle, you're doing all the things, then send me a DM I'll personally respond and let's see how I can help you.

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