
Women over 40 with normal lab work and no answers


Hi, it's Tanya Zucco here. Functional Medicine Practitioner, hormone expert and high performance health consultant, helping women 40 Plus look, feel and perform their best.

So how many doctors have you felt dismissed by over the years? When you know something's off inside your body, the last thing you need someone to tell you is you're fine. You intuitively know deep down better than anyone else when you are not fine, right? You know something is up. And in most cases, the normal bloodwork ranges that are acceptable by conventional medicine standards are the measurement tool that your doctor uses to give you this your fine statement. What they do is they take a look and see if you fall within the normal range and you may be told that your results are normal, but maybe you're on the very low end of normal results.

See, the difference when you come to work with me is that not only do I come with a perspective of having been trained initially, and working in conventional medicine, but now working as a functional health practitioner, and professional what I look for is optimal and sub optimal levels. See, this can be helpful because it helps us catch things before they create an even deeper issue inside the body. And because we look at things from a root cause type perspective, sort of a wider lens, we're able to address issues that simply are not addressed well in conventional medicine, such as stubborn weight, you know those last 15. When you're pretty fit but you know there's still weight that you want to lose or need to lose, brain fog, energy, declining recovery, performance in your hobbies and daily life, maybe libido even, so I highly suggest that you get annual bloodwork if possible.

When I work with women in the best body blueprint program, which is my main transformational body and hormone optimization program, we get comprehensive lab work and testing. So a few of the tests that we look into for example, in addition to the traditional labs that you'll likely get on your you know, yearly visits such as complete blood count, and metabolic panel is your full thyroid panel, B12, fasting glucose, hemoglobin A1C CRP, vitamin D, estradiol progesterone and free testosterone DHEA. See when I review clients bloodwork, I look for patterns and I cross reference based on symptoms and other tests that we might be reviewing such as the Dutch hormone test or the GI map gut test. I want to see the results in the optimal functional ranges. For example, let's use vitamin D, one marker that I really like to test for. And the importance of this is so often dismissed. So vitamin D is a fat soluble vitamin. It's got many important roles and functions within the body. Some are that it regulates the absorption of calcium in the digestive tract, maintains blood, calcium and phosphate levels, supports the mineralization of bones directly and indirectly regulates hundreds of genes. And it modulates inflammation and helps with the immune system. So vitamin D, the way that is made, is it's made when we're exposed to sunlight, but we also do acquire it from certain foods and supplements as well.

But here's what's also really important to understand. It's not what we are exposed to, it's what we absorb that is important. So for example, if you live in a sunny place like Florida, maybe it doesn't necessarily mean that your vitamin D levels are are necessarily adequate, right? And oftentimes, they're not. I see this all the time. So as you can see vitamin D is really important when it comes to hormone and overall health. And this is just one of many examples.

So it's important to test and not guess. So if you're seeking a more thorough review of your blood work, or you're not seeing the results you want with your weight loss, stubborn weight loss, and other health goals, then you should definitely apply to work with me inside my best body blueprint program. I've brought hundreds of women through my four phase protocol for helping women lose stubborn weight and feel and perform their absolute best and I can help you. So all you need to do is send me a DM and I'll be in touch with you about the next steps.

Also, I'm really excited to announce my free masterclass. It's been a long time in the making. It's available for you guys to check out. You can click the link in my bio or I'll link it in this video as well. So thanks for hanging out with me here and I'll catch up with you guys next time.

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