
Metabolic Flexibility & Weight Loss


Hey guys, Tanya Zucco here.

So something that comes up often with clients starting to work with me is a comment of I feel like I eat a small cupcake or a small glass of wine and the next day I've gained like five pounds.

So being flexible comes in handy in all sorts of situations, right bad weather keeping you from your morning run, no worries, you're gonna go to the gym instead. So your body's metabolism benefits from being flexible too. Rather than only being able to use carbs or fat for energy. A flexible metabolism can switch between both with ease. And this state is called metabolic flexibility. And there's a host of different reasons why improving your ability to utilize multiple fuel sources can really help not only support your overall health and wellness, but can really help you lose fat and feel amazing and improve your energy.

So metabolic flexibility means that your body's metabolism is flexible, and it can use whatever is available to it, whether that's fuel from food, if you've just eaten, or fuel already stored in your body. So if you've eaten a snack or meal recently, your body will metabolize that food and use it for energy production. But if it's been a while since you've eaten, your metabolism can switch over to burning fuel that's already in your body like fat or sugar stores. When you're much metabolically flexible, your body doesn't have to keep your food-seeking mechanisms on.

So what happens when you're food-seeking mechanisms are on all the time is your prehistoric brain kind of comes to and your body thinks it's starving. So stress hormones go up and your body actually stores any of that available fat or sugar. Instead of using it, it stores it for sort of famine. Instead though, when you're metabolically flexible, your body is able to burn whatever fuel is available. And it sort of seamlessly shifts from one fuel source to the other even without you noticing. So instead of it turning to food-seeking mechanisms that actually burns what's available and helps you lose fat and lose weight. See, because at any given time, we all have enough fat stores, loose fat stores and sugar floating around in our body to use for fuel for hours. We don't need to eat all the time. So this leads to fat and weight loss. Okay, but don't fast blindly.

So what causes metabolic inflexibility, really, it's the modern diet, it's eating all the time, every time we're hungry, also eating a carb heavy diet and eating the incorrect foods together. So becoming metabolically flexible is absolutely key in combination of creating a solid foundation of balancing all of your hormones. All of them estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, insulin, thyroid. You've got to have this balance in order to lose fat, lose weight and feel your best.

So these are the key pillars and what we do actually my transformational program, the best body blueprint to see massive results with my clients. And if you're interested in support around this, if you've tried all the things; you can't lose weight, you're trying to lose stubborn fat to feel your best. Send me a DM. I'd love to tell you all about it and see how I can help, and I'll catch you all next time.

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