What is up everyone? Hello, hey, it has seriously been a hot minute. I hope all of you are doing amazing. And it feels good to be back here with you all.
So those of you who don't know me, my name is Tanya Zucco. I am a board certified physician associate, Functional Medicine Practitioner and hormone expert. And I help women, busy women 40 plus, who are tired of hearing it's just aging, to lose fat master their hormones and their metabolism so they can look and feel amazing.
So what I wanted to share with you guys today is some of the top reasons that my patients and you guys might be doing things ,or not doing things that are sabotaging your fat loss and your health goals. So in no particular order, well, actually, the first one is the top one, but the others are in no particular order.
We'll start with number one, and that is hormone imbalances. Shocking, right? But really, so many people have no idea, right? They are doing all the right things or they think they are, banging their head against the wall not seeing any results. And with some testing and personalized blueprinting, shall we say? They can really make some significant changes.
Second thing is protein intake. So the majority of the time we're talking about inadequate protein intake. But this also has to be personalized, because depending on number one, your goals, your medical history and your lifestyle. Sometimes it can be the opposite, okay, excess protein. And this is where, but excess protein can be turned into fat. Okay, so it's important to really look at things for your individual makeup, especially as we talk about the 40 plus, when there's a lot of things changing within our body.
Third thing is eating inflammatory seed oils. Okay, so we all know that fake sugars are bad, right? We know they wreak havoc on our hormones and bodies, and essentially just halt weight loss. Same thing with these inflammatory seed oils, you know, make sure you're cooking with good healthy fats, the appropriate ones to be cooking with and eating. And make sure you're not, you know, screwing yourself up with these darn seed oils, you know, especially when you're eating out.
The next thing is cardio focused exercise. I get it right, I get it. We all know Run, run, run, do more cardio, or what, that's what we've been told. But it's not going to do the trick. Eventually you're going to hit a wall with it. Okay, and if you're doing a ton of cardio, limiting your calories and wondering why the weight is not coming off.
Thee next thing is prioritizing your sleep. Okay, this is so important. And I know I get it it's hard sometimes often with our busy lives, with our jobs with our kids, with my dog right now who is coughing ,who sleeps yes, in bed with me, who coughs as well. So there's a lot of things that make it difficult, okay, but not prioritizing your sleep can really wreak havoc on your health and fat loss goals, big time. Also, the first four hours of sleep are the most important, okay, so sleep hygiene, as you're getting ready to go to bed, timing of eating or the things you're doing watching TV, phone, that kind of thing can really, really sabotage or help your fat loss success and your health goals.
Then the last thing is consistent alcohol consumption. I know, I know. I love wine. I enjoy wine, right? I enjoy the taste of it. I'm enjoying, enjoying it with my friends. I've recently gotten into this clean delicious organic wine. But anyway, side note, still consistent alcohol consumption can literally halt your fat loss goals. Okay? So there's a happy medium for everything. And there's a time for everything. But really deciding on what your goals are and what's going to fit into your lifestyle and routine so that you can address those goals is definitely something to think about.
So hopefully, you can you know, look at some of these things and maybe think about how you could address them and, you know, move forward with some of your goals. So thank you guys for hanging out here with me. It's fun to be back. And if you think this would help someone, could help someone, definitely share this with them. And I will catch you guys next time. Peace.