
Top 5 reasons why you can't lose that stubborn weight


What's up, everyone? Hey, it's Tanya Zucco. Um, maybe I should reintroduce myself, for those of you who don't know me, and also haven't really been live in a long, long time. So my name is Tanya Zucco. I am a functional medicine practitioner and a high-performance health coach.

Today, I wanted to talk to you, very briefly, about the top five reasons that you can't lose that darn stubborn weight. You're pretty fit. You're pretty healthy. You're doing all the right things. You've been told by the doc that everything is normal, but you can't seem to lose that stubborn weight. Right? So what the heck is going on? Well, let me share with you the top five reasons that I found.

Number one is adrenal dysfunction. If your stress and your cortisol are out of whack, I don't care what else you do; you're going to have trouble losing weight. Okay.

Number two, if your hormones are out of balance, you're going to have trouble losing weight. And I don't just mean progesterone and estrogen for you ladies over 40. I know that's what we often think about, but I mean cortisol and insulin, okay? And your thyroid too. Alright, again, you might have been told everything is normal, but for some reason, you're not losing weight, right. Again, could be a hormonal balance issue. It definitely is going to stop weight loss in his tracks, even if you're doing all the things. Okay.

Number three is metabolic damage. I see this all the time. This is caused by stress. Even if you don't think you get stressed, right? Because I know lots of you ladies are out there, we handle our shit. Excuse my language. We handle stuff. We don't feel stressed. But there still is stress. Okay? If you've been a chronic undereater, that's going to cause metabolic damage. And if you tend to eat well, that binge and eat well and binge that's also going to cause some metabolic damage. Okay, all this yo-yo dieting, again, it's gonna hold weight loss in its tracks, even if you're trying to do all the other things, right.
The fourth thing that often people don't really think about is food sensitivities. You might not have a true allergy to a food, okay, like anaphylactic type allergy. But if you have an underlying allergy, a sensitivity even to healthy foods like food, tomatoes, avocado, those are common foods. They can cause an increase in inflammation. Your body is going to make weight loss go. No, thank you.
And the fifth reason is gut biosis and poor detox. Okay, if your body cannot get rid of toxins, it's going to create more inflammation in your body. It's going to make your body think what the heck is going on. And again, all your fat loss efforts are out the window. Even if you think you've got a fat diet, you're doing all the right fitness things, strength training, hit all of it. You're not going to lose weight, okay, and you're really going to struggle with that stubborn fat.
So, if that was helpful for you, definitely hit the like button. Share this with someone. And if you're thinking, okay, great, Tanya, thanks for that info. What do I do? You should reach out to someone who can do some detective work and help fix some of these issues. And well, thank you guys for listening. I'll catch you next time.


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