
You think it's your hormones, right?


Hello again, it's Tanya Zucco. For those of you who didn't watch yesterday, or who don't know me, I will reintroduce myself again, briefly. I am a functional medicine practitioner and high-performance health consultant. And what I really love doing is helping women 40 Plus, like me and you, ambitious. I love helping them look, feel and perform their best, right? There's no need to settle, and the Best Years of Our Lives Start Now, ladies, it's not time to settle. It's time to figure out what's going on. Okay.

So the topic of today's video is you think it's your hormones, right? You've got all these symptoms that we are sort of taught to think that are our hormones, like brain fog, weight gain, low libido, not sleeping very well, maybe you've got some depression and anxiety. You've got those PMS symptoms. You know, that we all know.

But what if your hormones aren't the real problem? Right? And here's the sneaky part. The majority of the time, they aren't actually the whole picture of the problem. Okay, so think of it like a game of dominoes. All right, well, your hormones are actually the last Domino, meaning they're the last to fall. So before that is a whole cascade of other things that can happen right upstream, that must happen in order for those last couple of dominoes to fall. So what are those things? And what are those things, which are the things you need to do to really fix your hormones for good?

Number one is your unsupported metabolism. I briefly covered this yesterday, right? It can really screw up your metabolism, if you have been eating like 1200 calories a day and you think that's going to get you to lose weight and feel awesome. Ain't gonna happen. Ain't gonna happen. Okay.

Second thing is your liver function. Alright.

Third thing is your thyroid. Now, here's a really interesting thing. Okay. So often, and I hear this all the time, I'll hear my clients say, Well, I've been, you know, to my doctor, every year, they've tested my thyroid, and they say everything's normal. Well, usually, what they test for when you do sort of your yearly routine Labs is they're testing for TSH. And oftentimes, that number can be normal. But what they're not looking at on an initial lab, and often gets missed, is looking at your T three hormone, which is actually the active hormone. So if you have a normal TSH, you can still have a low T three, which is going to screw things up. Okay.

So the fourth thing is, it could be your gut. We've all heard that all disease starts in the gut, not all, but most, right. And so, oftentimes, by fixing what's going on with your gut, that can come from many different reasons, is going to be instrumental in your healing.

And then the last thing is your adrenals and your stress, okay? Now, not all of us feel like our heads going to pop off all the time, that stress manifests a little differently in all of us. And so it's important to think about how it might be manifesting in you and make sure you rule that out. Okay?

Now, you're, you might be thinking, so okay,  why is this important? Well, if you're dealing with some of these symptoms that we talked about initially, and you think it's your hormones. And maybe you've been focusing on trying to fix your hormones, you know, you've been googling, reading, doing all the hormone fix hormone balancing diets and stuff like that, and you're still not having results, it's likely that you haven't looked at all these other things, all these other dominoes, right. And also, even worse, I've seen clients, you know, say that they've been put on therapies, you know, hormone replacement therapies and other therapies, and they're not helping much. Now, look, I love bioidentical hormone replacement therapy. I think it's fantastic. Fantastic and the right, you know, for the right people at the right time when the right things have been done prior to it.

So can I do a quick PSA here ladies? Don't settle. Okay, there is no need to settle. If you've been taught, or if you've been told that everything is fine, and yet you still feel like shit. And something isn't right, and you think you're doing all the things, don't settle, get the answers you want. Get the answers you want, and get to feeling as amazing as you know you can feel. So thank you guys for listening. I really, really do appreciate it. If you think this would help someone. I'd love it if you would share it with them. And I will catch you guys on the flip side.

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