
Why you need a health coach to achieve the transformation you seek?


What's up, everybody? It's Tanya Zucco here. For those of you joining me again, hello, hello. Thank you so much for joining me.

Again, my name is Tanya, I'm a functional medicine practitioner and high-performance health consultant, and I love helping women in their forties and above lose weight, look, feel their best, perform their best by getting a hold of their hormones, losing fat, gaining muscle and really unlocking their potential.

 So today, so I've been on calls all morning—great call, super excited to dive in with some more new clients. And one thing that I hear all the time, and it just, it just makes me so mad. So many clients will come to me before working with me, and they'll say, Tanya, I've had so many tests done, I've worked with this doctor, or this practitioner, even this functional medicine practitioner, and I've had all these tests done., but nothing's changed.

What's going on? And so my answer to that is, well, what are you doing with those tests? What are you doing with that information? It's one thing to have a test done, get that test read and give you some, you know, give you some answers or protocol, but then what if you don't take that information and implement it. You're not going to see any transformation right.

And so often, you know, we'll get this information, whether it's from you know, functional blood chemistry testing, or hormone testing. And then it's like okay, here's a recommendation to eat more of this or to eat more of this, or wow your hormones really off, maybe we should talk about some hormone replacement therapy.

Well, what I believe is really important to do is, you can't fix things way downstream, you know downstream, if you haven't fixed the things upstream. It all starts with the really, really in-depth process, right history taking, we've got to get some labs, we've got to know where you are just the important ones, okay, and then we've got to work in your foundation, right. Lifestyle, diet, targeted exercise, to you, to your specific needs right now, based on all those things that we found, and your goals.

Then we take a look at where you are. Once we get your body down to a foundation, we've eliminated a lot of unnecessary inflammation. We've created, you know, some gut balance and some healing within the body, and now we can look at things again, and layer on the next layer right.

Do we need more sort of natural remedies? Do we need to tweak the things we've done already? Now, do we need to add any other sort of hormone replacement therapy? But it really needs to be a holistic approach.

So many people, you know, again, get frustrated because they get tests and they get this, and they get this, but unless you really put it all together, you're going to continue to stay frustrated. So, I just wanted to say don't be frustrated with tests. It's not the tests are bad; it's just you've got to find someone to help you put it all together, and help you implement it so that you can see a transformation and really see, you know, the results in the weight loss, and the vibrance and all of that back to see the transformation that you want.

So anyway, just wanted to pop on and say that. If you think this will help someone, please do share it. Again, my mission is to help women really unlock their potential, feel, look and perform their best over 40. The answer to your aging and you still look great is B. S. Don't settle. You can be your best. Anyways, love you guys. Happy Friday! Is it Friday yet? Catch you guys on the flip side. Bye.

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