
Let's Stop Normalizing Hormone Imbalance!


Hey, what's up, everyone? It's Tanya Zucco. Hopefully, you can hear me. I'm having, just making sure everything's working here. Right, there we go. Good. Well, I hope you all had an amazing Christmas. And can you? I mean, can you believe it? 2022 is coming like this week; it's bananas. It's absolutely bananas. I feel like I can literally remember saying the same thing about the end of 2020. So here we are, here we are, in this kind of crazy world that we're living in right now.

But I don't know if you guys are like me, or if you like planning or if you like the new year, but I love planning. I love the new year. I love the possibility that, never mind, let's rewind that. I love the ability; we all have to make decisions and change things that we don't like, whether it's with our life, our careers, our bodies, whatever it is, you know, and going into 2022 there's so many things in the world that are, you know, becoming a new normal. But one thing that I'm really passionate about doing is helping my clients and my friends, stop normalizing hormone imbalance. So that's the topic of tonight's conversation.

So I'm Tanya Zucco. For those of you who don't know, I'm a functional medicine practitioner, high-performance health consultant, and hormone expert. I'm passionate about helping women like me, and you look, feel and perform our best.

And so, I mean, how is it possible that literally we tolerate 80% of women experiencing hormone disruptions? I mean, even as early as in our 30s, you know, women experienced weight loss resistance, fatigue, night sweats, depression, you know, that feeling like they're not performing in all aspects of life like they used to, lack of libido and more. And it might be common, it is common, it's really common, but it's not normal, right? We experienced this cortisol that's totally out of whack, high, low, due to this toxic stress that we get from all different angles, both internal and external. Insulin gets disrupted, and we get stuck in this fat storage mode with a disruptive metabolism, which causes us this like, just fatigue all the time, weight gain, inability to lose weight, brain fog, that blob, poufy feeling that we all know. And then we get this slow thyroid function, this Thyrah pause, you know that 60% of people who suffer from fatigue and this bodyweight issue have no idea that they have this thyroid dysfunction.

Okay, no matter how you know how dysfunctional it is, even a very subclinical thyroid dysfunction can lead to a lot of different symptoms, okay? That oftentimes is not found when you go through your routine checkups. And then we've, of course, got this peri-menopause, menopause with estrogen and progesterone declining, women stop sleeping, they get hot flashes, fatigue, memory deficits with weight gain, depression, and what do we always hear? It's normal. You're just getting older. Okay, then testosterone is out of balance, whether it's high or low, leading to more fatigue, bone loss, recurrent injuries in as active women, loss of muscle mass, mood changes, loss of confidence.

It all happens very gradually and actually happens so insidiously that we don't realize this crazy situation we're living in. Nor do we actually realize how easy it is to correct it. So I'm saying, don't fall for it. Don't live with hormone imbalance, just because it's common. The truth is, it's actually easier to get your hormones back on track and get your body back than it is to live with the misery of it all being out of whack, I promise.

And so as we move into 2022, as you set your priorities and your goals. I urge you. I urge my friends and anyone listening, if this sounds like you, don't let another year go by where you feel like you or your body and your energy is just like where did it go? Take it back? You can there's thousands of women around the world doing it. And I would love to help. So if you think that sounds like something you're dealing with, I'd love to chat with you, send me a message. If you think that this might help someone, please do share it with them.

I'm on a mission to help as many women as I can and really want to change the conversation around age, potential, and what's possible. So, have an amazing week. I will chat to you guys again soon as we literally prep for the new year.

I'll catch you guys on the flip side.

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