
Avoid these foods to achieve your weight loss goals


Hey guys, it's Tanya Zucco, back here with you.

So the other day we had talked about the fact that one of the key reasons you might be struggling with losing fat and regaining that energy, despite eating well and doing all your workouts is because of inflammation.

So let's talk about one of the easiest, or simplest, shall we say ways to remove inflammation. And that's by removing the foods that cause chronic inflammation. So while not all inflammation is bad, chronic inflammation is the root of all health problems. I know you've heard that before. And for many people, it's it's the main problem. It causes weight gain, fatigue, poor recovery, mood changes, and more.

So there's multiple causes of long term systemic inflammation, but especially the most common factor, like I said, is diet. So the standard diet is full of inflammatory foods that create an environment of low grade, highly damaging inflammation throughout our bodies.

So here's the list that I'm going to give you, the things that can go a long way in not only improving your health, but also your energy hormones. And in many people, this step is a big one to their issue with regards to losing stubborn fat, so let's go.

Number one sugar. Goes by many different labels, including fructose and sucrose.

Number two is unhealthy saturated fats, for example, trans fats, so these are often found in processed foods. So start reading your labels, you'll be shocked.

Number three is excessive Omega six fats. So you do need a small amount, but it's easy to get too many of these from foods like mayo, vegetable oil and salad dressings.

Number four is refined carbohydrates which are found in lots of different snacks like crackers and bread and other sort of high glycemic foods.

Number five is MSG triggers to different chronic pathways of inflammation. And you often find this in different takeout foods, especially like Asian foods.

Number six is gluten, which many are sensitive to, not allergic to, that's another topic for another day, but even sensitivities can cause high levels of inflammation. Now obviously, this is especially problematic for those who have celiac disease.

Number seven is alcohol. I know I love my wine too, but it taxes your organs while causing massive inflammation.

Number eight is aspartame and other artificial sweeteners. These trigger an inflammatory response in many people.

So I know this is a long list, but I challenge you to make even just a couple of changes. Just to start and see how you benefit. I'm sure you will notice a difference. And what's crazy is many people eat all of these in their diet on a daily basis and they wonder why they don't feel good.

So thanks for listening. I hope this did give you some valuable information and some starting points. And if you'd like some support around your fat loss goals and feeling your best, definitely send me DM and I will catch you guys next time.

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